Wednesday, April 6, 2011


HARD FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. In many circuses, wild and exotic animals are trained through the use of intimidation and physical abuse. Former circus employees have reported seeing animals beaten, whipped, poked with sharp objects and even burned to force them to learn their routines! By 2022, 22% of all species will be extinct if no action is taken


Approximately 5 million to 7 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year, and approximately 3 million to 4 million are euthanized (60 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats).
  • 71% of pet-owning women entering women’s shelters reported that their batterer had injured, maimed, killed or threatened family pets for revenge or to psychologically control victims; 32% reported their children had hurt or killed animals. 

  • 68% of battered women reported violence towards their animals. 87% of these incidents occurred in the presence of the women, and 75% in the presence of the children, to psychologically control and coerce them.  13% of intentional animal abuse cases involve domestic violence
  • Monday, April 4, 2011

    Animal abuse is wrong, those who punish, should be punished...

    this blog is all about animal abuse and the resons why it happens and the resons why its wrong...